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"... them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie..."

Jesus Christ
Revelation 3:9
The New Testament in the Bible
King James Version

9/11 was a setup.

By Andrew Mackinnon

Last updated: 9th January, 2016

Obviously the most pivotal event in recent history is 9/11, since it has been officially cited as the justification for invading Afghanistan and Iraq.  Building WTC 7 in the World Trade Center complex in New York was the third building which collapsed on 11th September, 2001, the other two being WTC 1 and WTC 2 - the Twin Towers.  Building WTC 7 was a 47 storey building which collapsed in less than seven seconds on the afternoon of 11th September, 2001 at approximately 5:20pm.  No plane hit this building.  If you find it difficult to believe that this building collapsed on the afternoon of 11th September, 2001, almost seven hours after the collapse of the North Tower (WTC 1), I invite you to do your own research to verify this claim.

The evidence in the following video titled “Solving the Mystery of WTC 7”, released by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, proves that building WTC 7 was demolished using explosives.  The evidence in this video is very blatant and absolutely impossible to refute.

This highly engrossing video is 15 minutes in length and is an abridged version of the following film titled “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out” which has also recently been released by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and is more than two hours in length.  It is not possible to understand what happened on 11th September, 2001 without considering the mountain of evidence in this film which proves the use of explosive demolition of all three buildings, WTC 1, WTC 2 and WTC 7, on 11th September, 2001 beyond any doubt:

This video is 2 hours, 19 minutes and 3 seconds in length.

The following footage from this film "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out” is the section which presents testimony from qualified psychologists as to the reasons why many people are understandably unwilling or unable to come to terms with the physical evidence that contradicts the official story of 9/11:

(Please note that the view counts are not correct on all YouTube videos.  Many of the view counts have been doctored.  I personally witnessed the view count on the following video as being 20,000, 24 hours after it was released.  Three weeks later, it was just over double that on 42,000.

I personally witnessed the view count on this video decreasing, rather than increasing, which is not logically possible.  The view counts on many YouTube videos are doctored to give viewers the impression that only a small number of people have viewed them, when in actual fact, the true number of views is much higher.  The objective behind this doctoring is to attempt to dissuade the viewers from taking the videos seriously.)

The following YouTube video titled, “9/11: A Conspiracy Theory”, is an amazing, five-minute, chronological account of the official story surrounding 9/11 which shows just how ridiculous the official story really is:

This video has more than 950,000 views since it was released on 11th September, 2011.  As at 10th December, 2011, 94% of the viewers of this video who took the time to ‘Like’ or ‘Dislike’ this video by logging in, chose to ‘Like’ it.  Just 6% of this same subset of viewers chose to ‘Dislike’ it.

The following article titled, "9/11 Mythology - The Big Lie Of Our Time", by Stephen Lendman is the most outstanding summary I've encountered of all the reasons in point form why the official story is a gigantic lie:

Here is the data surrounding the collapse of all three buildings WTC 1, WTC 2 and WTC 7 on 11th September, 2001:

Building: WTC 1 (North Tower)
Height: 110 storeys
Time of impact of plane: 8:46am on 11th September, 2001
Time of collapse: 10:28am on 11th September, 2001
Lag between time of impact and time of collapse: 102 minutes
Collapse footage (commences at the 3 second mark in the video):
Duration of collapse: Less than 25 seconds
Minimum rate of collapse: 4.4 storeys per second (ie. 110 storeys divided by 25 seconds)

Building: WTC 2 (South Tower)
Height: 110 storeys
Time of impact of plane: 9:03am on 11th September, 2001
Time of collapse: 9:59am on 11th September, 2001
Lag between time of impact and time of collapse: 56 minutes
Collapse footage (commences at the 1 minute 58 second mark in the video):
Duration of collapse: Less than 20 seconds
Minimum rate of collapse: 5.5 storeys per second (ie. 110 storeys divided by 20 seconds)

Building: WTC 7
Height: 47 storeys
This building was not hit by a plane.
Time of collapse: 5:20pm on 11th September, 2001
Collapse footage (commences at the 3 second mark in the video):
Duration of collapse: Less than 7 seconds
Minimum rate of collapse: 6.7 storeys per second (ie. 47 storeys divided by 7 seconds)

In total, 267 storeys collapsed in less than 52 seconds.  This is a total rate of collapse of a minimum of 5.1 storeys per second.  Without the use of controlled demolition involving explosives, this is physically impossible.

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